SBRN 2008: Topics of Interest

Topics of Interest:
  1. Applications: finance, data mining, neuro-control, time series analysis, bioinformatics;
  2. Architectures: cellular NNs, hardware and software implementations, new models, weightless models;
  3. Cognitive Sciences: adaptive behavior, natural language, mental processes;
  4. Computational Intelligence: evolutionary systems, fuzzy systems, hybrid systems;
  5. Learning: algorithms, evolutionary and fuzzy techniques, reinforcement learning, blind source separation;
  6. Neurobiological Systems: bio-inspired systems, biologically plausible networks, vision; Neurocontrol: robotics, dynamic systems, adaptive control;
  7. Neurosymbolic processing: hybrid approaches, logical inference, rule extraction, structured knowledge;
  8. Pattern Recognition: signal processing, artificial/computational vision;
  9. Theory: radial basis functions, Bayesian systems, function approximation, computability, learnability, computational complexity.

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